Wellness Policy
The Canton Central School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children's health, well-being, and the ability to learn by fostering healthy easting and physical activity. To help ensure students possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy choices for a lifetime, the district has established a wellness committee. The committee will consist of, but is not limited to, Classroom Teachers, Teaching Assistants, School Nurses, Physical Education Staff, Special Area Staff, School Counselors, Parents, Students and Administration.
The district Wellness Committee will assess current activities, programs, and policies available in the district; identify specific areas of need within the district; develop the policy; provide mechanisms for implementation, evaluation, revision, and updating of the policy.
Taking into account the parameters of the school district, as well as the community in which the district is located, the Wellness Committee has recommended the following district goals relating to nutritional education, physical activity, and other school-based activities:
Nutrition Education
Nutrition education is a part of a comprehensive health education curriculum (which might include: Health education classes, family & consumer science, nutrition components in the elementary and middle schools, and physical education class) that focuses on understanding the relationship between personal behavior and health. Age appropriate and culturally sensitive instruction in the classroom and during physical education class should be provided to help students develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors to adopt to maintain and enjoy healthy eating habits and a physically active lifestyle.
Physical Activity
The Canton Central School district will provide opportunities for every student to develop the knowledge and skills for physical activity, and to understand the short-term and long-term benefits of a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
Every student in grades Kindergarten through 12th shall participate in physical education. Each program shall establish specific learning foals and objectives for physical education based on the state and national standards. A sequential, developmentally appropriate curriculum has been designed and will continue to be implemented and regularly evaluated to help students develop the knowledge, motor skills, self-management skills, attitudes and confidence needed to adopt and maintain physical activity throughout their lives.
Other School-Based Activities
The district wishes to establish a school environment that presents consistent wellness messages and is conducive to healthy eating and physical activity for all.
- Recess in Grades Pre-K through 5
- Interscholastic Athletic Program
- Physical Activity Incentive Program
- After-School Intramurals
- Community Collaboration
- Staff Wellness
Nutrition Guidelines
The district Wellness Committee recognized the important connection between a healthy diet and a student's ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. The goal of Food Services will be to encourage healthy lifelong eating habits by providing foods that are high in nutrients, low in fat and added sugars, and of moderate portion size.
- Federal School Meal Programs: The district participates in all available federal school meal programs. All families are encouraged to apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. The district utilizes staff and Student ID cards for food purchases to eliminate the stigma for children participating in the program.
- Nutritional Values of Food and Beverage:
- Food of minimal nutritional value on the school campus will be replaced with more nutritional options by adhering to the standards for nutritional value of food and beverages.
- The food choices at school should contribute to eating patterns that provide foods that are low in fat, calories, and added sugars.
- Students will have limited access to vending machines that contain food low in nutritional value during the school day.
- Teachers and families will be encouraged to use healthy food choices when providing food within the classroom.
Guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than applicable federal regulations for guidance issued pursuant to the Child Nutrition Act and the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, as those regulations and guidance apply to schools.
Implementation and Evaluation of the Wellness Policy
The district will ensure school and community awareness of this policy through various means such as publication on the district website and/or each building handbook.
Professional development activities for staff and student awareness training will be provided, as appropriate, on the goals of the district's wellness program. the district shall establish an implementation and evaluation plan for the wellness policy on an annual basis in order to monitor the effectiveness of the policy and the possible need for further modification over time.
Evaluation and feedback from interested parties, such as parents, teachers, students, and administration is essential to the district's evaluation program. Further, the district shall document the financial impact, if any, to the school food service program based on the implementation of the wellness policy.
Revised 06/15/2006