Access VR
ACCES-VR determines eligibility for services based upon the person’s disability, whether they can benefit from vocational rehabilitation services, and they require vocational rehabilitation services to gain employment.
Applying for ACCES-VR Services - Assisting a student and their family in fully completing the ACCES-VR application will help to avoid delays in the determination of eligibility and receipt of services. This includes making sure that:
- Applications are submitted as early in the school year as possible.
- The ACCES-VR application is signed by the student and, when the student is under 18 or has an appointed legal guardian, their parent/legal guardian.
- Documentation relevant to the student’s disability (e.g., IEP, psychological assessment, 504 Plan, medical documentation) is included with the application so that an eligibility determination can be made. Note: Completion of eligibility determination may take up to 60 days from receipt of the ACCES-VR application.
Applications and documents needed for eligibility determination can be submitted to ACCES-VR in person, by fax to (518) 483-3552, by email to [email protected], or by postal mail to the Malone District Office at 209 W Main St, Suite 3, Malone, NY 12953.
Any ACCES-VR service may be available to an eligible youth participant, but there are some services that are specifically geared to youth:
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS): ACCES-VR provides Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to students with disabilities. Pre-ETS are designed to give students an early start to career exploration and exposure to the world of work and postsecondary education/training options prior to their exiting from school. Referrals of students before their last year of school are encouraged as this will allow ACCES-VR counselors to discuss and provide these service options.
Many students also express an interest in Vocational or Educational Training for Employment. ACCES-VR funds services that will assist an individual in reaching their agreed upon employment goal. When appropriate, this may include vocational training (trade school) or educational training (BOCES or college).
It is important to note that ACCES-VR is not a financial aid service or program. Financial support for college is not guaranteed. ACCES-VR financial support for college may only be considered when:
- The student and the ACCES-VR counselor have agreed upon an employment goal that requires a college degree, and
- The student meets ACCES-VR’s financial need threshold.
When vocational or educational training is provided, all awarded financial aid (e.g., Pell, TAP), is applied to training costs before ACCES-VR funds are utilized. Additionally, the maximum financial support provided by ACCES-VR for college tuition is at the SUNY/CUNY current published rate.
Our office’s Senior VR Counselor for Transition and Youth Services, Kathy Wilcox, is the counselor that currently covers Canton Central School District. If a school staff member or a parent/guardian have any questions about ACCES-VR services, Kathy will be your go-to expert. Kathy can be reached by phone at (518) 483-3530, or by email at [email protected].