Our District » Board of Education

Board of Education

Canton Central School Board of Education 2024-25
Front Row: Wendy Todd, Vice President (2027), Esther Oey (2026), Catherine Devins (2026), Christina Martin, President (2027) Denise Sero (2025) 
Back Row: Robert Larrabee (2025), Susan Toshack (2025), Danny Thomas (2026), Denise Sero (2025), Victor Rycroft, (2027)
Clerk of the Board
Danielle Brown
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Susan E. Todd 
Business Manager
Denise Folsom
Board of Education District Clerk
Danielle Brown
315-386-8561 ext 44202
District Finance
Tax Payments

Canton Central School District Residents now have the option of paying school taxes online with a credit card. A small convenience fee applies. Using the following link, click "Look Up Your Bill" then "Proceed to Payment" and checkout with MuniciPay. For more information, contact Heidi Smith, Tax Collector (315-386-3735).
