5.1.2 Board Meeting Ground Rules
2017 1512
Board packets containing supplementary information necessary for the interpretation of the agenda will be mailed out in advance. A phone call or email from the Superintendent or Board President will be made regarding any unusual or sensitive issues that might come before the board.
When possible, on the day of a Board meeting, the Superintendent will email or phone Board Members regarding any non-routine items on the supplementary agenda.
Board packets will be reviewed by each member prior to Board meetings. Board members will call or email the Superintendent with any questions about agenda items which might require further preparation by the Superintendent prior to the Board meeting.
Except for routine business or unusual circumstances, items requiring Board action will be submitted to the Board in advance and scheduled for discussion at the Board meeting preceding the meeting when action will be required.
Member items should be given to the District Clerk in advance (by the Friday prior to the Board meeting) and placed on the agenda.
Board meetings begin at 6:45 p.m. with a brief Executive Session from 6:45 to 7:00 p.m. to discuss appointments of specific individuals that are on the agenda for that meeting. Meetings are adjourned at 10:30 p.m. unless a motion is passed to extend the meeting.
Comments, questions, concerns brought to the attention of a member between meetings by a parent, community member, or employees are referred to the appropriate school administrator for response. Items raised at Board meetings should be of general relevance to all Board members and the Superintendent.
Requests for supplemental information between Board meetings, related to Board business, will be submitted to Board President or District Clerk as a Member item for discussion at the next meeting.
The Superintendent and Board President are designated media spokespersons. Most requests for comments should be referred to them. Board members asked to comment about Board issues or actions between meetings should generally restrict comments to explanations of their personal views/actions or the views/actions of the Board as a whole. Attempts to interpret the views or actions of other individual Board members should be avoided.
Public comments are scheduled at beginning and end of meetings. Persons speaking should state their name and affiliation. There will be a three-minute time limit per person. The President may recognize members of the public during discussion of an agenda item as well. The Board will listen to issues/comments made during public session, but usually not respond at that time. The Board President or the Superintendent will make the statement that the concern/issue will be brought under advisement. The Superintendent or appropriate school official will gather necessary information and respond to the speaker in a timely fashion, if warranted.
There will be a twenty-minute time limit for discussion of an agenda item or for an informational presentation unless there is prior agreement to exceed that limit or unless the Board votes to exceed the limit when it expires. All Board members are encouraged to briefly express their views during discussion. The Board President ensures sufficient opportunity for participation by all Board members to ask questions following an informational presentation before an individual Board member asks a second question. The total time for follow-up questions is limited to fifteen minutes unless the majority votes to extend it.
Matters of confidentiality relative to students or personnel will be reserved for Executive Session. Matters discussed in Executive Session are not to be divulged outside of Executive Session. Actions and comments following Executive Session should be compatible with the views expressed during Executive Session.
Good faith effort on the part of all Board members is to be supportive, respectful, and trusting of school employees in the performance of their duties.
Board members should refrain from participating in the discussion of, or voting on, issues that directly affect themselves or a member of their immediate family. Any relationship not already known to the Board should be announced at the beginning of such a discussion.
Board members should feel free to abstain from voting on issues discussed when they were not present or when issues were not discussed to their satisfaction.
Adopted: 9/16/04
Readopted: 10/19/2017