4.3 Reimbursement of Board Member Expenses
2018 1430
Board members who incur expenses in carrying out their authorized duties shall be reimbursed upon submission of a properly completed and approved voucher and such supporting receipts as required by the President of the Board of Education and/or the Superintendent. All reimbursable expenses must be verified in accordance with standard auditing procedures and original receipts must be provided for all expenses including, but not limited to, taxis, car rentals, hotels, tolls, airline tickets, and registration fees, as appropriate. Receipts for reimbursement of the costs of meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) must be submitted for payment by the District and reimbursement shall be in accordance with the Domestic Per Diem Rates as established by the U.S. General Services Administration for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) at the time of the submission of the receipts.
Travel Expenses
When official travel by personally owned vehicles is made in fulfilling the Board member’s responsibilities, the mileage payment shall be made at the rate currently approved by the Board at its Annual Organizational Meeting. Personal expenses incurred are the responsibility of the individual.
In accordance with Section 77-b of the New York State General Municipal Law, an advance payment may be requested by those Board members duly authorized to attend a conference for estimated expenditures, for registration fees, travel, meals, lodging and tuition fees provided itemized vouchers showing actual expenditures are submitted after such attendance. (See subheading “Expense Form/Voucher.”) To the fullest extent possible, meals, public transportation, lodge expenses, and registration fees will be paid directly by the Canton Central School District by Purchase Order or District Credit Card, as appropriate.
Tax Exempt Status
The Canton Central School District is exempt from sales tax within New York State. Tax exempt forms should be obtained in advance for such items as hotel rooms, meals within the hotel, car rentals, etc.
Expense Form/Voucher
Upon return from the conference, workshop, or meeting, the Board member shall, within ten (10) days, file a completed Claim Form for Conference Expenses (Form #6160F.1). Said voucher shall list all reasonable and necessary reimbursable expenses for attendance at the conference, workshop, or meeting from which shall be deducted any advanced payment, thereby indicating the net amount due to the individual for the balance to be returned to the School District. Any balance due shall be reimbursed to the School District in the form of a personal check payable to the Canton Central School District.
Adoption: March 22, 2018