Our District » Dignity for All Students Act

Dignity for All Students Act

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) prohibits the harassment and discrimination of students by students and school personnel. Students have a right to be protected from intimidation, harassment, or discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin ethnicity, religion or religious practice, sex, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability on school property or at a school-sponsored event. Students have a responsibility to respect one another and treat others fairly in accordance with the District Code of Conduct, and the provisions of the DASA, to conduct them in a manner that fosters an environment free from intimidation, discrimination or harassment, and to report any incidents of these.
Types of Harassment Behaviors Include:
  • Physical:
      • Hitting
      • Punching
      • Tripping
      • Kicking
      • Scratching
      • Damaging or Stealing Property
  • Social/Emotional/Relational:
      • Exclusion, or threats to exclude
      • Gossip, Rumor Spreading
      • Ostracizing or Alienating
      • Threatening Looks or Gestures
      • Extortion
  • Verbal: 
    • Name Calling
    • Teasing/Taunting
    • Offensive or Discriminatory Remarks
    • Verbal Threats/Intimidation
  • Cyberbullying:
      • Use of the Internet, Cell Phones, or other Technology to Harass and Intimidate
The Dignity for All Students Act applies to behavior on school property including, but not limited to athletic fields, play grounds, parking lots, in school buildings, on school buses/vehicles, as well as at off-campus, school-sponsored activities or events.
The Dignity for All Students Act requires each Board of Education to appoint district personnel to fill the role of Dignity Act Coordinators. At Canton Central School District, each building principal acts as the DASA Coordinator for the elementary, middle and high schools, respectively. Mrs. Viola Schmid-Doyle, Mr. Joe McDonough, and Mr. Doug Dominy have been trained to recognize and respond effectively to a harassment/bullying incident, and to implement preventative strategies. 
To report a case of harassment, discrimination, or intimidation please use this reporting form or contact your student's school Coordinator using the information below.
Elementary DASA Coordinator: 
Mrs. Viola Schmid-Doyle
(315) 386-8561
Middle School DASA Coordinator:
Mr. Joe McDonough
(315) 386-8561
High School DASA Coordinator:
Mr. Doug Dominy
(315) 386-8561