Our District » 2.3 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions

2.3 Reporting of Expenditures and Contributions

2016   1230

Each candidate for the position of member of the Board of Education whose expenses and/or contributions received exceed five hundred dollars ($500) must file a statement accounting for his/her campaign expenditures and contributions with the District Clerk and an additional statement with the Commissioner of Education. In the event the expenses do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and the aggregate amount of all contributions made to the candidate do not exceed $500, then a sworn statement to that effect must only be filed with the District Clerk.

Required contribution statements shall include:
  1. The dollar amount and/or fair market value of any receipt, contribution or transfer which is other than money;
  2. The name and address of the transferor, contributor or person from whom received;
  3. If that transferor, contributor or person is a political committee as defined in Section 14-100 of the Election Law;
  4. The name and political unit represented by the committee;
  5. The date of receipt;
  6. The dollar amount of every expenditure;
  7. The name and address of the person to whom the expenditure was made, or the name of and political unit represented by the committee to which it was made; and
  8. The date of the expenditure.
The times for filing the statements are as follows:
  1. The first statement on or before the thirtieth day preceding the election to which it relates;
  2. A second statement on or before the fifth day before the election;
  3. A third statement within twenty days after the election.
Any contribution or loan in excess of $1000 received after the close of the period covered in the last statement filed before the election (b above) but before the election itself shall be reported within 24 hours after receipt.
All statements must be sworn before a notary public, a commissioner of deeds, a lawyer or a public official authorized by New York State law to administer oaths.

Education Law Sections 1528 and 1529
Election Law Section 14-100(1)
Adopted: May 5, 2016